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Hey there SPFBO folks, it’s time for another semi-finalist announcement!

A world where the Witch-King rules, and the good guys lost long ago… the land is a dying wasteland as the King sucks the lifeforce from his citizens and the land itself to keep himself alive and grotesquely powerful. We follow multiple POVs as they try to survive this hellscape, Maya with her Gift of Healing… a captive most likely on her way to her execution by the Witch King, her captor, Tarryn, and Kalas on his mission to kill the Witch King. This features grey characters who have to make tough choices where there is no clear good answer. This book is an exploration of morality and loyalty. It’s a dark book that’s balanced by characters you can root for and relate with.

Who is it?




Let’s find out!!!




















My second choice for semi-finalist is Kings and Daemons by Marcus Lee !!!!

Congrats!!! I hope this book finds its way to the hands of readers who will enjoy it!

The next semifinalist announcement will be Tuesday the 20th!